(Image credit: Photo by Lin Zhijia, TMTPost AGI Editor) TMTPOST -- Chinese AI unicorn Stepfun has has completed a new round of funding, raising several hundred million dollars. The round attracted a diverse group of investors, including state-owned capital, strategic backers, and financial investors. Core investors include Shanghai State-owned Capital Investment Co. and its affiliated funds, as well as Tencent Investments, 5Y Capital, and Qiming Venture Partners, among others. This round of financing will be used to continue investing in foundational model research开云kaiyun中国官方网站, enhancing multi-modal and complex reasoning capabilities, and expanding coverage of C 发布于:北京市 |
国务院总理李强1月3日主办召建国务院常务会议,磋磨鞭策城市更新责任,听取保险农民工工资支付责任情况陈说开云kaiyun,审议通过《古树名木保护条例(草案)》。 ...
开云kaiyun 12月26日,中蓝电子在微信公号发布声明回复“爆雷”神话。声明指出,磋磨报说念中包含多量对于辽宁中蓝电子科技有限公司运营情况的伪善信息。公司业...
1998年的一个炙热夏天开云kaiyun,5岁的朱雨婷被父母带到了陕西商洛的一个小山村。 这对浙江的商业良伴忙得顾不上孩子,把她寄养给了一双当地农民——鱼录庆和...
当地时分10月24日,卡塔尔航空公司告示暂停飞往伊朗、黎巴嫩、伊拉克的航班,直至另行奉告。 声明还暗示,卡塔尔航空也将暂停飞往约旦皆门安曼的夜间航班开云kaiy...